Friday, July 18, 2008

12 bEsT tHiNgS aBoUt bEiNg SiNgLe

1. You can make last-minute plans with your friends and stay out all night if you want.
2. You can lie on both sides of your bed and have all the covers to yourself.
3. You can flirt with the opposite sex without someone saying, " Who are you looking at? "
4. You can make your own decisions.
5. You don't have to remember your significant other's birthday or anniversary.
6. You can make a list of things you always wanted to do...and actually do them.
7. You can be moody without anyone trying to find out if something's wrong! If I don't want to talk - I just won't!
8. You can go out and not having to say where you've been or what you've been doing and what time should you be back.
9. You have control over what you spend and where you spend it.
10. You can spend all night on the phone without having to justify it.
11. There's plenty of space in the wardrobe.
12. You can do a smelly fart without being told it's 'unladylike'.

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